Schlagwort-Archive: ASP.NET

Use PayPal Payment in an ASP.NET Web Application 1/3

This blog series describes how to use the Paypal API in an ASP.NET web project. There are a lot of samples in the internet which are describing the PayPal API and use a lot of project specific functions. Therefore, I … Weiterlesen

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Use PayPal Payment in an ASP.NET Web Application 2/3

Visual Studio Project Set Up Create A Project Start creating new project and select Visual C# > Web and ASP.NET Webapplication (.NET Framework). Select an empty template and apply the settings as shown. Add PayPal Package To Web Project Select … Weiterlesen

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Use PayPal Payment in an ASP.NET Web Application 3/3

Running Sample The payment process is started with the PaymentStart.aspx site. After clicking button „Payment Start“ a connection to PayPal is etablished for authorization of buyer. Please note the forwarding to URL in sandbox mode. Now the well-known PayPal … Weiterlesen

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